December 28, 2012

Dashing Through The Season

A mad dash is what the Christmas rush feels like as we get closer to the big day but then as we hit our various parties times seems to slow down enough with each one that we can enjoy the moment before we rush on the the next activity.  We did our usual events with both sides of the family and had a wonderful time seeing everyone and catching up.  The kids were more into the little things this year like making sure we had reindeer food and cookies for Santa.  We almost forgot on Christmas Eve but they came out of their rooms practically in tears and we rushed around making sure everything was just perfect for Santa's visit.  It was so much fun watching the kids enjoying the magic of Christmas.  

Ben and Nathan ready to open gifts at my families Christmas party.

McKenzie waiting patiently with her gifts.

Kayla reminds me so much of my sister, Kacey, in this picture.  Must be the hair and the smile.

Kayla and McKenzie putting on a dance show for us.

Posing with the Elf on his last day visiting us - they could not believe he wrapped up the toilet.

Making cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Possibility a new tradition?  Roller skating on Christmas Eve - so nice to get out for some exercise before the next big meal.  McKenzie did so much better than the last time we went skating, it was a dream come true to do the Hokey Pokey with my daughter on roller skates.

We discovered they had these walkers on wheels that helped out so much for learning to skate.  McKenzie can't wait to go back and skate again.

We caught a picture of Santa with our camera this year, we were all so surprised to see this!

Discovering what Santa had left for them in their stockings.

McKenzie opening her new Barbies from Santa, just what she had dreamed of.

Ben and his new light saber, it met all his requirements and then some.  It lights up, has a button and is blue.  He was so excited to open this gift!

Playing with new toys, Ben got a big castle structure with lots of different pieces to play with.

All of our wonderful Christmas cards from family and friends - it's so nice to get the reminders of how many people's lives we are part of when we receive cards each year.  We truly are blessed with a wonderful life!

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