August 15, 2011

When the Cat Is Away the Mice Will Relax

McKenzie recently went on her first overnight to Grandma and Grandpa Z's house - all by herself.  She had a fantastic time.  It was hard to comprehend all the fun they fit into 24 hours.  Here is a partial list of the things they did:

- Driving the Barbie Jeep
- Brushed the cat
- Cutting and gluing
- Learned to play tic tac toe
- Watched a movie
- Read books
- Baked cookies
- Got a band-aid for a minor scrape (Mom requires actual blood)
- Explored Grandpa's worm bin and brought some home
- Fun, fun and more fun

It was a nice change to have only one child for a night.  After dropping McKenzie off we were able to cheer Ben up as he really wanted to stay with his sissy, Grandma and Grandpa.  We headed to Ixtapa's and had a somewhat quiet dinner.  Ben is a pretty good dining companion without someone to egg him on.  His only issue was with the food.  He's way beyond being the guy who orders the American food at a Mexican restaurant.  When the waitress came to take our order he said, "I want pizza!"  We ordered him chicken nuggets and fries.  After that every time the waitress came to our table, even after his dinner had been served he would ask quite loudly, "Where my pizza?" Sorry guy no pizza here.

Saturday morning I heard Ben wake up at his normal time and so I waited for him to come to my room to get me but a miracle happened and he just fell back asleep and slept in until 9:30.  It was such a treat for me to get up and enjoy my morning all by myself.  After he woke up we headed out to Starbucks for breakfast where Ben put on a show of alternating dancing and telling people, "That is hot!" when they got their coffee.

The afternoon was spent outside in the backyard playing in the pool where Ben discovered he could go potty outside.  Unfortunately he doesn't distinguish between number one and number two when he says he has to go so we had a very unfortunate accident in the backyard.  Luckily I have a scoop for the dogs.

It was such a great day to spend quality time with Ben, knowing McKenzie was having so much fun as well.  Looking forward to McKenzie's next visit to Grandma and Grandpa Z's maybe even more than she is!

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